The apology made by the Dutch government on December 19, 2022 seems to be just an act to divert
attention from the criticism the Dutch government has been receiving Internationally on human rights
violations. They are willing to establish a 200 million-euro awareness fund but no reparatory justice. This
became known during a meeting of the Second Chamber held on Thursday January 26, 2023. The
Member of Parliament is not surprised. It reinforces his stance that Debt cancellation is what should be
the first step. The creation of monuments is welcome but in addition to this, every street and building
that has a Dutch European name, those names should be eradicated. Such as the Prince Bernard bridge,
the Juliana International Airport, the name Phillipsburg given to the capital. These are reminders of
slavery and the present neo-colonialism. Note I did not say slavery past. The debt that is owed makes us
slaves of the Dutch government. Unless this is cancelled we cannot consider ourselves free. The charter
itself is a stark reminder of this truth. The statements by the VVD member Pim van Strien clearly shows
that he is far removed from reality. He thinks that only education and highlighting the stories will suffice.
These should come with financial compensation. This word of shared history is for me a nonsensical
statement. It was not a shared but brutal one sided history in which up until today we are feeling the
effects of. Some might say that this is not the way to start a dialogue, to them I say we have to be
brutally honest about the truth especially to those who refuse to accept the fact that the Netherlands
became one of the richest little countries in the world due to slavery. MP Pim van Strien said and I
quote: “reparatory justice compensation is an “absolute no-go” end of quote. It should not be any
concern to him who would have to pay what and to whom. We know where to send the bill. Did they
ask any questions when they invaded South Africa and killed the Khoisan people the indigenous people
who were hunted down over a period of more than 100 years, with permits issued as for animals by
Dutch East India Company over the course of “the Bushman” wars commandos attacked Xhoisan
communities wherever they encountered them killing and wounding them. Source (Google Khoisan
hunted). Again for clarity sake, there must be reparation it is a condition sin qua non. It is not debatable.
My people cannot eat awareness. I want to say to my Caribbean family especially those who are part of
this one sided Kingdom that it cannot be business as usual. We cannot continue dancing to the rhythm
of their music but the rhythm of our own drums. Stop allowing the divide and rule strategy to continue.
Remember it is the Dutch Kingdom not yours. The King of the Netherlands and his family will be coming
to St. Maarten. I have made it clear that I will not be attending for the simple fact that no
acknowledgement was made by the King of the Netherlands in acknowledging that they have and are
still benefitting from slavery and neocolonialism. The charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands is clear
that the Kingship is passed on through inheritance, in other words from generation to generation. I
would have preferred an open and frank discussion in Parliament where the people would be able to
follow the discourse as it concerns their future. It cannot be business as usual.
MP George Pantophlet