Minister Samuel Closes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. primary school. No School on Monday

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) – Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports
(Ministry of ECYS) Hon. Rodolphe Samuel said on Sunday that his ministry along with other
stakeholders are working diligently to address the challenges at the Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. primary school.
“Addressing any issues at schools in the country is a priority. The health of management,
staff, teachers, and students are of paramount importance at all schools including the Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. school. On Monday I will be having additional follow-up discussions
with the school management.
“The main steps to be taken is to look at alternative housing of classrooms. We need to fix
the school the correct way and the right way is a sustainable manner for the long-term. If
the roof needs to be removed, it cannot be done with children inside the classrooms,”
Minister Samuel said on Sunday.
Minister Samuel was on a seven-day working visit to the Netherlands earlier this month and
returned to the country on March 13. The minister during his working visit was briefed
about the latest reports about concerns at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) school.
“Upon my return from the Netherlands, on Monday, March 14 th I cleared my agenda and
visited the school for an urgent meeting with the school management and Department of
Public Education (DPE) management. This is something that I do when there are any
challenges at a school. While on the premises, it was brought to my attention that there
was a broken sewage line, and this was immediately corrected on Monday afternoon.
“I was also told about two (2) classrooms that had recently developed leaks after the tarp
sustained damage. In October when a section of the roof was repaired, tarp and roofing
tiles were removed, and then the roof was treated with fluid applied reinforced membrane called Acrylabs. The process proved to be very successful at sealing and preventing leaks.
“On Tuesday March 15 th , railings on the main stairs were installed for the first time since
the school was constructed more than two decades ago. On Wednesday, March 16 th at
around 3:00 p.m. as part of a regiment for the control of mold and fungus, a
decontamination company was brought in to disinfect the entire school campus against all
bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, spores, and any biological toxins.
“Permit me to mention here that the chemical that was used was MDF-500, which is an
environmentally friendly, non-toxic disinfectant and is a first line of defense against
chemical and biological contamination. Persons are permitted to use the premises eight
hours after the treatment has been administered according to usage protocols.
“On Thursday, March 17 th , I again went to the school to meet with the management and
staff of the school and DPE management. While at the meeting, the President of the
Windward Island Teachers Union (WITU) arrived at the school.
“While I was there, Health & Labor Inspectors from the Ministry of Public Health, Social
Development and Labor came to the school premises to conduct an inspection. The result
of the inspection was then delivered to my person, in the presence of MLK, and DPE
management first and then to the teachers, staff, and president of the WITU.
“The Health Inspectors raised four (4) concerns; the first one being the state of the roof,
which continues to leak in the areas that have tarpaulin; secondly, in areas of the school
that does not have non-slip tiles; thirdly, that non-slip material should be placed on the
stairs; and finally in some classrooms the lights should be renewed.
“When asked if there were any issues of mold or fungus that were observed, they indicated
no. The Health Inspectors declared that the school premises was fit to conduct school as
no noticeable levels of contamination were detected. Following their normal protocol, they
indicated that only if contaminants were detected then they would have to return to take
readings to ascertain the levels.
“However, to provide comfort to everyone concerned it was requested that air quality
testing be done at the school on Friday, March 18 th , and as a result, the teachers and
students were asked to work remotely on Friday. The Health Inspectors did indicate that
compiling the report will take a few days but they gave an update of their findings verbally
on Friday, March 18 th .
“I also explained to all present that in the budget 2021 and 2022, I have reserved funds for
the construction of a Gazebo which would provide the students at the school with a clean environment to play during the recess. There is a basketball court next door which is also being used by the school for physical education.
“I took the opportunity to hear directly from teachers while at the school who were
concerned about the roof repairs. I did indicate that I am doing my best to ensure that the
process goes as quickly as possible but that there are parts of the process that are out of
the control of the Minister of ECYS, but this project is being treated with urgency.
“The teachers thanked me for returning to the school to listen to them. We agreed that we
would meet more often. Clarity was given to the President of the WITU about the process
of the roof repair project, and he was explained that the MLK school did not fall under the
National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) school repair program. He was also explained
the process which the project must go through in Government and why it is taking some
time. Providing a clean, safe, and hospitable working and education environment is a
priority for me,” Minister of Education Hon. Rodolphe Samuel said on Sunday.