On Friday, March 5, there was a central committee meeting to discuss the branding strategy of the Tourism Bureau that has been launched.
Island Council Member Theodore Heyliger sat in as Acting Chairman of the Central Committee.
Present at the meeting were Island Council members: Frans Richardson, Roy Marlin, Sarah Wescot-Williams, Maria Buncamper Molanus, and Leroy de Weever. Representing the Tourism Bureau was Head Regina La Bega and staff and Raphael Cordoza Director of Tambourine, The marketing company and Director Economy and Tourism Miguel de Weever
Island Council man Frans Richardson outlined the idea for the branding strategy and Head of Tourism Regina Labega and Mr. Cordoza elaborated on further details regarding the strategy and technical matters of rebranding St. Maarten.
The Central Committee was shown via computer presentation the promotional videos of varying lengths, selected photos, and the print ads, by the Director of Tambourine, Raphael Cordoza.
Cordoza explained that the island was going through the rebranding phase that deals not only with the redesigning of the logo and slogan, but an entire change, an entire repositioning, of the brand that is the destination St. Maarten.
The promotional campaign began last November and there has been some increased activity, as measured by the hits to the website: www.vacationstmaarten.
The television advertisements have played close to 8000 times over several months in the North American market mainly on the eastern coast and the numbers of hits on the website are in the thousands. Namely,
November 4000
December 11910
January 14708
February 7480
Previously, the number of hits to the previous website was on average1200 hits per month.
Cordoza said that the campaign ended in February. The numbers reflects the campaign that was carried out in conjunction with the website up until that time. There are more additions to the website and more promotions that are scheduled. In addition, after the year campaign, there will be an evaluation.
The statistical system that is to be in operation at the airport is on schedule, and will provide more accurate numbers regarding the results of the marketing campaign, and a good indication of the return on investment.
The campaign he said is very cutting edge, and based on the double "AA" of St. Maarten. We are selling an experience. It is an emotional appeal to consumers to the target market—"women", who make the vacation decisions in the family.
He said that St. Maarten is now up to par with the latest in destination promotion. There are other activities planned in the area of promoting the destination St. Maarten