‘Wastewater Freewinds contaminates springs’

KRALENDIJK — Two springs in the neighborhood of the terrain of the Directorate LVV (Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fisheries) in Amboina are highly contaminated after the discharge of wastewater from the ship of the Scientology Church ‘Freewinds’.


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Environment-activist Sean Paton states the aforementioned. Two videos, which Paton had placed on Youtube under the name ‘State of Emergency’, reveal how he had followed a truck that had left the Freewinds, had driven to the LVV-terrain and discharged wastewater there late at night. Paton had had chemical analysts carry out researches on the water from the nearby springs last week. His theory that the wastewater ends up in and contaminates the underground water had proven correct. "I have been warning the government about the consequences of discharging wastewater at LVV since years, but nobody assumes responsibility. We cannot unload all responsibility onto the Freewinds", says Paton.

Goat-herders use the ‘Flor di Cuba’ and ‘Pasa Kontra Mi’ springs as a watering place. However, people also drink this water. It appears from tests that Pasa Kontra Mi is the most contaminated of the two springs, even though it is situated the farthest from the LVV-terrain compared to the Flor di Cuba spring. In one of the videos on Youtube, analysts state that the discharged water will also have negative effects on coral. All water – including wastewater – will namely ooze through the brittle limestone and end up in the sea. The springs’ water had already been tested a few times on various days in a laboratory according to the rules of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). It had been reviewed whether existing bacteria in the water could develop into a colony. A certain level is acceptable, but the relevant spring waters had tested above that level. Paton pleads for the closure of both springs, as the water forms a health hazardous for people and animals.

The Freewinds – which the Scientology Church uses amongst others for trainings and transportation of Scientology-tourists to Bonaire – do not have official permission to discharge wastewater, according to Paton. However, the discharge has been going for five years now, although since recently such is only done during the evening and at night. One truck contains five to eight tons of wastewater. At times, more than fifty trucks will drive from the ship to LVV at night. Head of LVV-Directorate, Rocky Emers, was unable to comment today due to illness.