St.Martin Pony League’s Bronco Division 13 under to start 2009 -2010 youth baseball competition

St.Martin Pony League’s Bronco Division 13 under to start 2009 -2010 youth baseball competition with three Dutch and three Fench side teams.

The St. Martin Pony League is ready to start its Bronco Division youth baseball competition. The competition will be played with three teams from the Dutch Side and three teams from French St. Martin.


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The teams taking part in the Competition will be, from the French Side St. James Twins, Sandy Ground Mariners, St. Georges Cubs and from the Dutch Side St. Peters Marlins, Cul de Sac Padres and Cole Bay Pirates. The Competition is scheduled to begin on November 11, 2009 on St. Martin Day. Anyone willing to sponsor a team or with a team 13 Under and willing to play in the competition could call the league’s president at 5232113 or at the league’s office at 5422121