Police Press Release: Police Officers/D.A.R.E.- Officers give lecture at school

On Wednesday October 14th on the request of the principals of the Sister Magda Primary School and Sint Dominic Primary, police officers who are also members of the D.A.R.E. program gave lectures to students of grades 5 and 6 of these schools, with regards to the carrying of weapons, illegal drug use, gangs, gang related violence, violence in general and the negative consiquences of this type of behavior


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The main reason for targetting these students of this age group, is that a short while back the police have noticed that the carrying of weapons to school and violent behavior that is taking place in the seconday schools has also trickled down into the primary schools. The response of these lectures had a very positive result. At the end of the motivational speech a student approached the police officer and told him he wanted nothing to do with violence or gangs and told the officer that he wanted to handover an air-rifle (pelletgun) he had hidden at home. The youngsters mother was notified of the situation. The officer went along with the youngster to his home and in the presence of his mother handed over the air-rifle to the officer. On behalf of the police dept. we are very happy that our message is reaching the youth and hope that these actions would will continue to have this type of results.