ExCo meets with new SBA Board in Saba

Recently the Saba Business Association met with the Executive Council of Saba. During this meeting the SBA was given the opportunity to introduce their new Board, consisting of Claire Nuyens, Sophie van Lint, Wolfgang Tooten, and Aleida Heilbron.


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The SBA expressed their desire to have closer communication with the Government in regards to constitutional reform as well as issues of Chamber of Commerce, tax structure, and any relevant business issues. Furthermore, the SBA offered expertise in certain areas to work along with the Executive Council.

This year the SBA is taking on the task of spearheading the Christmas Lighting Project. Formerly, every village use to have their own lights along the roads. The SBA plans on organizing and purchasing lightening with assistance from the Government.

Commissioner Johnson had previously met with the sub committees of the SBA concerning issues of tourism. Johnson expressed to the SBA that he enjoyed working with the sub-committees since it is often more efficient when dealing with direct issues. In regards to the sub-committees Johnson stated, "I like the direct contact with stakeholders in their particular industry"

Wolfgang Tooten of the SBA stated to GIS, "The meeting was very positive and I feel it is an improvement on the working relationship between the SBA and the Government. The SBA exists to help Saba and I hope we can have more accomplishments within the community in the near future"