Discussions surround Airport Master Plan

Recently, the Ministry of Transport and Water Management paid a working visit to Saba. Project Manager of Civil Aviation Ton Franssen and Rene Fracken came to do an inventory of the airport and meet with the local airport Manager, Vincent Hassell. The inventory involved checking on radio, navigation, and weather equipment.


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During their visit they were able to meet with Commissioner Johnson on the development of a master plan for the airport. The Island Government was suggested to develop a report based on their vision of a fully-functional airport after which, they will sit down with the Ministry and discuss feasible solutions with experts.

This plan should also account for any changes in Saba’s economy and tourism as well as where the Island will be in twenty years. In general, the plan should also correlate with how Saba plans to develop their tourism and economy.

One serious topic of discussion was the issue of twenty-four hour medical evacuation services. The Ministry confirmed to Commissioner Johnson that their intention is to have something established before 2010. The Ministry appears to be taking local concerns very seriously and plans to address critical issues.

Commissioner Johnson stated to GIS, "We know that our possibilities are limited on Saba because of lack of usable flat land for our airstrip. Regardless, we are expected by our people to provide a service that fits the Island and where we see it heading for the next twenty years"