Livestock owners told to take measures to secure animals this hurricane season

With the 2009 hurricane season just a week away from entering the peak period of the season, the month of September, the Office of Disaster Management & Preparedness is urging livestock owners to review their plans now of how they will secure their livestock in the event of a hurricane strike.


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Livestock owners should make sure that their animal holding areas and other infrastructure are able to sustain a hurricane strike. Any loose material should be securely fastened in order to avoid damage to property and endangering human lives during the passing of a hurricane.

The following tips have been provided by the Office of Disaster Management & Preparedness and Animals R Friends: All cattle should have identification. Identification can be an ear tag, ear notches, neck chain or microchip. Paperwork should also be in order that shows ownership.

Don’t keep your cattle in a barn or stable to prevent injury from flying debris. If the barn collapses, cattle have no chance to save themselves. Relocate livestock to a predetermined safe area and ensure that they have access to hay, pasture, clean water, and a safe area or high ground above flood levels.

If you have chicken cages, these should be reinforced. Medical supplies and a first aid kit should be kept on hand.

Store drinking water for a number of days. Also have an adequate supply of feed.

The hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30.