The Collectivité of Saint-Martin has launched a New Emblem Competition, under the theme, "Moving Forward Anchored in the Past". Persons wishing to enter the competition must be 16 years or older of French Nationality residing on the island or a native of Saint Martin. Entries must display and use elements of Saint Martin’s history, fauna, flora and environment and must be elaborated on a 50 cm x 65cm canvas, paper or other material. Electronic mediums can also be used. All work must be original and done specifically for the emblem competition.
Deadline for submission of entries is March 27, 2009 at 5:00pm. For other entry requirements please go to the Collectivité’s website or telephone 0590 0590 29 5660. Information sheets can also be requested at the reception at the Hotel de la Collectivité in Marigot.