Member of Parliament and Faction leader of the National Alliance George Pantophlet says the campaign

Recent statements by the leader of the UP Party Theo Heyliger and the former Minister of Economic Affairs Franklin Meyers have indicated this. They have come out with the same old political spin they have learnt from a very large country. If we would look at old newspaper clippings and television programs, listen to tapes of radio we will hear the same old political statements of the past.


Even one their cronies Theo Heyliger’s right hand man recently wrote a piece in the opinion page. But why don’t they tell the people of St. Maarten why they are out of government today? It hurts me to regurgitate things of the past but people often forget. Can the leader of the UP Party please tell the people if government was included in the bridge to nowhere discussions? Can the leader of the UP Party tell the people of St. Maarten which one of his relatives wanted to take over the entire Bus operation at the Harbor? Can the leader of the UP party tell us why a relative got the contract to do the Christmas decorations at the Airport? Can the leader of the UP Party tell the people who was going to take over the cleaning contract at the airport? And who is in charge of the cleaning at Simpson Bay Resorts the former Pelican Resort? Do we know how many projects are in the pipeline that would benefit the prosperous few? Need I say more? And all at once the former Minister of Economic Affairs Franklin Meyers is blowing his horn again. He was able to sign off on taxi licenses and bus licenses galore within record time. Didn’t someone living mind you not vacationing in the United States for years received a call from the Minister’s office stating that their request for a taxi license was ready? It is certain that if Minister Romeo Pantophlet embarks on this that he had first done proper research. And let us don’t forget the moratorium on jet skis which was suddenly lifted to grant more licenses before he (Minister Franklin Meyers was thrown out of office? And what about the hundreds of requests for business licenses that were lying there for years? Finally now many are being processed by the present Minister Romeo Pantophlet who has been working diligently to get things up to date? Was it not the same Minister when he was Commissioner of Health and Sports complaining that he could not get funds for the St. Maarten Medical Center? And when were any of the sports facilities upgraded? In her short 7 months Minister Sylveria Jacobs has already started the bidding process to get the Raul Illidge Complex up to par something lagging behind for more than a decade. The Member of Parliament says he is depending on the wisdom of the people of St. Maarten not to be fooled by these political tactics or spin moves they learnt from a very large country. Let them (tactics) stay where they belong in the past. St. Maarten needs innovative, forward thinkers not persons who are imprisoned in the past. The campaign is on.