Ombudsman Recieves Letter On Kadaster & Public Registries

The Ombudsman confirms receipt of a letter from the Honorable Deputy Prime Minister/ Minister of VROMI, Mr. William Marlin regarding his follow up on the report dated June 27, 2012 drafted by the Ombudsman pertaining to Cadastre and the Public Registries.


After initial objections of Cadastre regarding the authority of the Ombudsman to initiate a systemic investigation pertaining to the registration procedures followed at the government established entity, meetings were held with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the attorney of Cadastre at Bureau Ombudsman on February 7, 2011. This meeting was followed by a meeting held at the offices of the Cadastre in the Backstreet on February 24, 2011. The Board and Management of Cadaster opted not to cooperate and use the opportunity provided by the Ombudsman in a letter dated March 16, 2012 to have their final input on the findings of the Ombudsman before closing the investigation. Non-action and non-response by Management and Supervisory Board of the Foundation to the opportunity given to have the last word before closing the investigation, resulted in an official report to the responsible Minister for Cadastre, as the operations of this entity affect the general public, as well as the individual citizen.

Cadastre is a Foundation established by Government, charged with registering the state of property on the island in the Public Registries, and as such subject to proper conduct (‘propriety’) in the execution of the government tasks. The Ombudsman looks forward to progress updates on the recommendations brought forward in the report titled " Rechtszekerheid en Betrouwbaarheid Gegevens Kadaster en Openbare registers" (Legal Certainty and Trustworthiness of Information of Cadastre and the Public Registries).

The general public is reminded and encouraged to attend the information session to be organized in the various districts in order to be informed on how the Ombudsman can serve the citizens with grievances against conduct of government bodies.

The Ombudsman

August 8, 2012

The following is a copy of the letter: