Commissioner Wescot releases statement, reacts to Central Committee cancellation

In a statement released by Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams, the cancellation of today’s Central Committee meeting was disappointing for several reasons due to members not signing in, although being present.

Commissioner Wescot-Williams said that the performance of the Central Committee meetings were an integral part of the functioning of the government apparatus, which operates on several levels. One of which is the Island Council level, the highest. For this to function well, Central Committee meetings have to take place. 

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On the agenda were:



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Vaststelling besluitenlijst

Ontwerp-eilandsverordening houdende wijziging van de Eilandsverordening ruimtelijke ontwikkelingsplanning Sint Maarten.

Ontwerp-Eilandsverordening houdende vaststelling van regels met betrekking tot de vestiging en exploitatie van ondernemingen en tot wijziging van de Vergunningslandsverordening.

Alegemene Ziektekostenverzekering (AZV).


These issues were important because they are dealing with important matters like the development plans for Fort Amsterdam and the Simpson Bay/Low Lands areas.

We also had to deal with the new Business License ordinance, which adopts the changes made last year.

Thus the functioning of government is paramount, according to Commissioner Wescot-Williams, and this functioning is dependent on having central committee meetings.