U.S. Forward Operating Location (USFOL) Personnel Enhance Siloam Village

On 8 March 2012, various volunteers from the 429th Expeditionary Operations Squadron located at the U.S. Forward Operating Location (USFOL) visited SILOAM Village to clear debris and weeds. SILOAM Village provides hospice care for abused, neglected, and terminally ill children of the communities in and around Soto.


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USFOL volunteers donned work gloves, weed eaters and rakes to help spruce up the village property. The main goal of the visit was to reduce fire danger, enhance the property appearance, improve the playground for the children and remove overgrown weeds from the garden. SILOAM administrators expressed their utmost appreciation. Brother Herman Gijsbers, SILOAM founder/operator, was most appreciative of the efforts remarking that it would have taken him weeks to accomplish what the volunteers completed in a morning of hard work.