16 Sister Marie Genevieve Primary School Students Visit the House of Parliament


The group of six graders, teachers and support staff standing with the President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell


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On Tuesday morning 16 six graders from the Sister Marie Genevieve de Weever primary school along with their teachers and support staff, visited the House of Parliament at Wilhelmina Straat in Philipsburg.

The students were welcomed by the President of Parliament Hon. drs. Gracita Arrindell.

The students were very enthusiastic to be in the House of Parliament.

Arrindell explained the group about the workings of the country’s parliamentary democracy with respect to the roles of Members of Parliament (MPs); who were the MPs and Council of Ministers; and the difference between the Executive and Legislative branches of Government.

During the enactment of a parliamentary session, students posed a number of questions to their fellow students who were acting as Ministers. They also asked the President of Parliament several questions.

Students either asked about the following or addressed several questions to the other students who were acting as Ministers: roads; high consumer prices; MPs who don’t show up to work; fuel shortage at the airport; school fees; increases in gas for cars; high GEBE bills and blackouts; how to curb youth violence and crime; vote-buying; the Ombudsman; and why children are not allowed to vote.

Concluding remarks by the President of Parliament Arrindell were that she would like to have all primary and secondary schools visit the House of Parliament allowing the youngsters to feel and live what Parliament does.

"I am impressed with the disciplined and inquisitive interaction displayed by the enthusiastic young girls and boys. The pupils are very aware of the issues that live in the community.

"I applaud the teachers for their hard work and who are doing a great job in teaching the younger generation, the leaders of tomorrow," President of Parliament Arrindell told the teachers and sixth graders on Tuesday.

This is the second school visit for 2012.