Probation Supervision now also possible with a GPS anklet


The Foundation for Rehabilitation (Stichting Reclassering Caribisch Nederland – SRCN) is starting the use of GPS anklets for monitoring suspects and offenders on probation. This modern electronic means of control will be applied as of January 16, 2012 in Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. The new instrument will help the SRCN reduce the risks for victims and society


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The GPS anklet is a tool to monitor the location of the person wearing the anklet to check whether he or she is at locations that are commanded or prohibited. The probation office supervises the suspect under court order, condemned prisoners in the final phase of their custodial sentence and suspects who are awaiting their trial. This allows suspects or perpetrators to find their way back into society in a responsible way. It also prevents a defendant from losing his or her job or not being able to continue his or her education due to custody because it is precisely these factors that often play a major role in re-establishing criminal behavior.


The judge and the Ministry of Security and Justice are to determine whether a suspect or offender is eligible for the GPS monitoring anklet while the Reclassering Caribisch Nederland and the Prison advises Justice on this. The advice is based on the existing risks for society.

Special conditions

With the GPS ankle probation monitors whether a supervised party maintains himself to the special conditions imposed on him or her. These special conditions are location command and prohibition. A location command means that for a certain period the supervised person must be at a certain place at a fixed time. For example, the supervised person has to be at home between 19.00 pm and 6.00 am hours. A location prohibition means that for a certain amount of time the supervised person is not allowed to be at a certain place. One example is that for three months the supervised person may not be in the proximity of his victim’s living environment.

Violation of these special conditions may entail that nonetheless the supervised party will go back behind bars immediately.

The GPS bracelet has been used for several years for the probation supervision by the probation office in the Netherlands.