St. Maarten Cable TV today announces another step forward to upgrade the cable TV system to an all-digital platform in the spring of 2012. In an effort to start migrating the current analog channels to a digital headend, all channels on the St. Maarten Cable TV line-up will experience some degree of service interruption beginning on Friday, December 2, 2011 at midnight and concluding on Friday, December 9, 2011 at midnight.
The relocation of the services will take several days to complete and it is anticipated that there will be minimal and intermittent interruptions to each channel. St. Maarten Cable TV technicians do not anticipate a complete outage during this process and every effort will be made to complete the project prior to the deadline.
Beulah Jonis, Managing Director of St. Maarten Cable TV stated, “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our customers, however, we are very excited to begin a process that our customers have been anticipating for quite some time.”