Commissioner responsible for Youth & Cultural Affairs Maria Buncamper-Molanus, commends those who dedicate their life and time to volunteerism, and are making a huge difference in our communities due to the time and effort that they invests.
"The activities of social and civic organizations, youth, sports, health, environmental, cultural, religious groups, women’s foundations and organizations within our community do not take place by themselves. It is the hard work, commitment and dedication of volunteers who make this happen.
"Government is gratefully thankful and fully appreciates the hard work that our nation’s volunteers from all walks of life put into their community on an annual basis.
"It is for the love of community that so many dedicate their time on a weekly basis to serve their island.
"On behalf of Government and the people of St. Maarten, we recognize you for your valuable work and say thank you and above all, continue to make a difference, and continue to keep up the good work," Commissioner of Youth & Cultural Affairs Buncamper-Molanus told the Government Information Service (GIS).