As part of the Integrity Project of the Government of Sint Maarten, the department of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has organized the first Integrity vision meeting for key Integrity stakeholders.
The workshop was held on Friday, November 25, 2011. The main goal of the Vision Meeting was to formulate a vision on the topic of integrity within the Government which will then be carried forward in the yet to be formulated Integrity Policy document Sint Maarten.
Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams said she was pleased with the progress being made since the project was executed and adds that the vision meeting planned is a key part of the process.
Diana Pearl Hendrickson-Flemming of HPS Consulting was contracted to give the workshop and invited Bart Hofstee of the Integrity Bureau of Amsterdam as one of the speakers for the event.
Hofstee was also asked to give a presentation to the Council of Ministers regarding the topic. The invited stakeholders were the Secretary Generals, Department Heads within government with defined Integrity tasks and responsibilities, the General Audit Chamber and the Ombudsman.
It was the intention that after this meeting HPS will be able to deliver a draft vision document to the department of the interior and Kingdom Relations. The document will in turn be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval. If approved this document will serve as the basis for the yet to be established comprehensive Integrity Policy Sint Maarten.
Program Manager of Integrity at The Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations Ms. Tammy Richardson
The document should reflect a collective view of the stakeholders on integrity, Sint Maarten’s Integrity goal/vision/ambition, the options when deciding on a strategy for Integrity management and organization, the instruments/tools (mix) that are necessary to implement the strategy/policy and recommendations for the implementation of the chosen strategy.
In March 2011, the financial agreement for the highly anticipated Integrity Policy Sint Maarten was signed after the Council of Ministers approved this project in December 2010 and in March 2011 USONA agreed to fund the project.