Minister of Justice working visit to Curacao

On Monday July 25th the Honorable Roland Duncan Minister of Justice of Sint Maarten conducted a working visit to Curacao to address issues concerning the Coastguard, ICT system and database management, and future working agreements between the three islands.


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Minister Duncan met with the Minister’s Dowers (Justice Minister of Aruba) and Wilsoe (Justice Minister of Curacao), including the support staff from their respective cabinets. The Ministers discussed the current situation as it pertains to the services being provided by the Coastguard, and other issues of concern which have been pending for some time. Minister’s Dowers and Wilsoe both indicated their need for the services being provided by the coastguard to the three islands, and stressed that they all had to maintain a proper working relationship for the future of the islands, including the further establishment of a Coastguard Academy.

Minister Duncan emphasized that; he wants to be reassured that, the interests of Sint Maarten will be made a priority to the Coastguard, as Sint Maarten also contributed to the Coastguard. The Minister also mentioned that Sint Maarten should also have its’ own helicopter, because it has more cases of humans smuggling, than both Aruba and Curacao combined. After the meeting, the Ministers went on a visit to the head offices of the Coastguard, where a presentation was given by the Coastguard staff Mr. Eleonara, Schreuder, Hansen and Mrs. Devere and other officers such as Radar Analyst Mr. Cijntje and Senior Operator Mrs. Silie and Junior Operator Ms. Laurence.

On Tuesday July 26th 2011, the meetings reconvened to further discuss issues pertaining to ICT and each island’s ability to adequately management their own databases. Minister Duncan enquired why Sint Maarten had not been given full authorization over its’ own database and indicated that his primary concern was to ensure that Sint Maarten gains full access and control of its’ entire system.

Minister Dowers stressed that by all means the three islands should maintain close working relations, to achieve the best outcomes possible for all involved, while Minister Wilsoe indicated that he was content with the way Curacao’s current system is being managed. Minister Duncan requested a copy of the licenses and agreements as it pertains to the system, Mr. Parabiersing accompanied by Mr. Dejong, were also present at the meeting.

Minister Duncan insisted that Sint Maarten must be given leeway to manage its’ own state of affairs. He added that "Ultimately it’s about Sint Maarten being able to function as an autonomous country within the kingdom, just like Aruba".

Before culminating the meetings, Minister Duncan requested a list of points from Mr. Parabiersing based on the discussions held and agreements made with the other two islands, of what it would take for Sint Maarten to function "just like Aruba". Mr. Dejong mentioned that an audit would first have to be conducted, before being able to provide the Minister with such a list.