Prime Minister to meet with Central Bank President Tromp on Thursday

The Prime Minister’s meeting with Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten (CBCS) President Emsley Tromp for Wednesday was cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday.


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The Insel flight that was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday was cancelled due to weather conditions being influenced by Tropical Storm Emily which was located South of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams announced during the Council of Ministers Press Briefing on Wednesday morning that she would be meeting with Tromp at 2.00pm that same day.

When the prime minister meets with Tromp on Thursday at 2.00pm, she will be seeking information with respect to the Council of Ministers request made a few months ago to have a full fledged CBCS established on the island by January 1, 2012.