The Department of Disaster Management has released the listing of Hurricane Shelters for the 2011 Hurricane Season.
The following list has been compiled of buildings that will serve as a temporary shelter in the event of a hurricane strike. Shelters will also be manned by law enforcement/military officials in order to guarantee order within the shelter.
Shelters will be opened hours before a hurricane strike. This notification will be issued via the radio, online internet websites and the print-media. Persons who feel that they won’t be safe in their homes should prepare to go by friend, another secure location or to a shelter. Prior to leaving your home, make sure everything is secure and you’ve packed all the essentials that you will need.
Persons utilizing a shelter are not allowed to carry certain items with them, only the essentials. Pack enough water and food for up to three days. It is also advisable to take a first aid kit to the shelter with you along with prescription medications.
If you have a baby, remember to pack enough diapers, formula and bottles to last at least three days. Take playing cards, games and toys to keep children, and yourself, occupied. Take a set of clean clothes and bedding (pillow, sheets).
Carry a can opener; a few cans of non-perishable food; special items for elderly or disabled family members; battery powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries; cash/credit cards; passport and other important papers (insurance papers).
Alcoholic beverages and weapons are not allowed in shelters. Smoking is also not allowed. There is no need to bring cooking equipment or furniture to a shelter as there is no room.
Shelters do not accept pets, so you should make arrangements beforehand to have your untied pets secured in a room at your home, with sufficient water, and food for at least three days. Do not leave dogs and cats in the same room.
1. Leonard Conner School – Venus Drive – Cay Bay
(for the Cay Bay & Cole Bay districts)
2. Christian Fellowship Church – Welfare Road – Cole Bay
(for the Cay Bay & Cole Bay districts)
3. Salvation Army Building – Union Road – Cole Bay
(for the Cay Bay & Cole Bay districts)
4. Milton Peters College – L.B. Scot Road – South Reward
(for the St. Peters, Ebenezer & South Reward districts)
5. Rupert Maynard Youth Center – St. Peters Road – St. Peters
(for the St. Peters, Ebenezer & South Reward districts)
6. Sr. Marie Laurence School – Ellis Drive – Middle Region
(for the Middle Region & Defiance districts)
7. New Testament Baptist Church – Cannegieter Street – Philipsburg
(for the Philipsburg & Pointe Blanche districts)
8. Allan C. Halley Community Center – Simpson Bay Road – SimpsonBay
(for the Simpson Bay & Beacon Hill districts)
9. Marie Genevieve de Weever School – Guana Bay Road – Hope Estate
(for the Hope Estate & Sucker Garden districts)
10. Epheses SDA Church – Belvedere Estate Road – Belvedere
(for the Belvedere & Dutch Quarter districts)
11. St. Maarten Academy – Cupper Drive – Cul-de-Sac
(for the St. Peters, St. Johns & Cul-de-Sac districts)