Philipsburg Jubilee Library’s Summer Program “The Joy of Reading, Fun, and Games”

The Philipsburg Jubilee Library is proud to announce its upcoming Summer Program "The Joy of Reading, Fun, and Games”. Summertime is once again here, and we at Philipsburg Jubilee Library have organized what we hope will be a fun filled four week adventure for the children ages 6-12.


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"The Joy of Reading, Fun, and Games" will start this upcoming Thursday July 7th with the movie "Tangled". A movie will be shown every Thursday from 6- 8pm at the library throughout the month of July. The actual summer program will take place every Tuesday from 10 am – 12:30 pm, starting Tuesday July 12th. The children will be treated to story time, and an activity. There will also be excursions taking place, parents will have to sign permission slips for these excursions or the child will not be permitted to take part. As usual the program will end with a big bang closing party, which is scheduled to take place on July 29th. So please come out and be sure to sign up for this awesome summer program at your library. Registration is taking place from July 5th until Friday July 8th during the library opening hours. We are only accepting 15 children ages 6-8 and 15 children ages 9-12, due to the limited space we urge you to sign up your child/children as soon as possible, to take part in something adventurous and educational. You will receive permission slips and a full line up of the program upon registration at the library, for any further information please feel free to contact the Philipsburg Jubilee Library.