Civil Registry says no Alarm as June 1 Deadline Approaches for Birth Certificate Request;

Individuals can still check ‘What’s New’ tab link on Government Website

The Civil Registry Department in connection with an ongoing updating of its registry, is informing individuals who have not yet visited the department on Pond Island, that there is no need for alarm as the June 1 deadline approaches. 

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The department continues to undergo its updating of the basic administration of which part entails the completing of profiles of individuals listed on the government’s official website under the tab "What’s New."

The Civil Registry Department is asking persons residing on the island but born on the islands of Aruba and Curacao and whose name is listed on the Government Website under "What’s New," to provide the aforementioned department with a copy of their birth certificate so that their personal information can be completed. The department will also contact the civil registries of Aruba and Curacao to retrieve the information as an alternative option in order for country Sint Maarten to have an updated basic administration.

The Civil Registry Department has already received the information related to individuals from Bonaire and Saba. 

Parents and/or guardians are also asked to check the listing on the website of minors and to present the original birth certificate with the required legalization to the Civil Registry Department. All persons are kindly asked to provide the information by June 1st 2011.