Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that it is important that the people of St. Maarten who are the owners (shareholders) of the Harbor Group of Companies get more detailed information on the additional land that was created at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facilities.
The Member of Parliament is reacting to a picture that appeared on page #5 of Wednesday’s March 16, 2011 Daily Herarld. The Member of Parliament said it triggered the following questions which he will be submitting to Vice Prime Minister Mr. Theo Heyliger : 1. What is the size of the land? 2. Is there a Letter of Admeasurement (meetbrief)? 3. When did the filling in of this area start? 4. When was it completed? 5. Who owns the land? 6. By which agreement was the land filled? 7. What was the cost of filling the land? 8. What is the value of the land? 9. Which contractor/s did the filling in of the land? 10. What will be the cost of the planned projects? 11. Was this discussed in a General shareholder’s meeting? The member of Parliament says that all he is asking for is transparency.