Sint Maarten Government Takes Bold Step Toward Transparency with New MinisterialGift Policy

In a decisive move to enhance transparency, accountability, and uphold integrity, the Government of Sint Maarten has established foundational elements of an impactful Ministerial Gift Policy, soon to be formally adopted. This pivotal policy will clearly outline the acceptance and registration guidelines for gifts presented to Ministers, reinforcing public trust and safeguarding against potential conflicts of interest.
The policy will be strategically implemented in two distinct phases. The initial phase, now
underway, emphasizes public awareness and education, highlighting critical components such
as the monetary threshold of NAf 360, mandatory gift registration requirements, and a rigorous
process to assess the intent behind each gift.
Demonstrating proactive commitment, Ministers have already begun registering gifts received,
particularly during the recent holiday season. This preliminary measure underscores the
government’s dedication to transparency and provides an opportunity to refine and strengthen
the process ahead of the official policy enactment.
The second phase will see the formal approval and adoption of the Ministerial Gift Policy by the
Council of Ministers, followed by its publication in the National Gazette. This ensures full
transparency, accessibility, and clear communication to the public and stakeholders.
Importantly, the new policy thoughtfully balances Sint Maarten’s rich cultural tradition of
hospitality with the essential need to maintain impeccable ethical standards. It explicitly
recognizes customary gestures, such as meals, beverages, and invitations to events, while
establishing guidelines to prevent any compromise of integrity. Considerations around the
giver’s intent, timing, and potential expectations are fundamental to determining whether such
gifts or invitations are appropriate.
Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina highlighted the importance of the policy, stating:
“Good governance is built on trust and integrity. By proactively establishing clear regulations on
gift acceptance, we reinforce our commitment to ethical conduct and transparency in
government. Public office demands accountability and freedom from undue influence, and this
policy provides Ministers with definitive guidelines that reflect our core values. While hospitality
is integral to our identity, this policy ensures it never jeopardizes our integrity or the public’s
The public and stakeholders should be mindful that while gifts valued below NAf 360 may be
accepted, they must still be registered. Gifts exceeding this amount, involving cash or vouchers,
or originating from parties engaged in active government tenders or approvals are strictly
The Council of Ministers remains resolute in its dedication to exemplary governance and ethical
leadership. This policy marks a significant milestone in reinforcing public confidence and
ensuring Sint Maarten’s Ministers operate transparently, ethically, and responsibly.