BGNAA meets with SZV

On May 26, members of the Association of Pensioners of the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba (BGNAA) visited St. Maarten from the Netherlands. They met with SZV Social & Health…

Pontoon assembled for off-land soil investigation Black Rocks Harbor

In anticipation of an off-land soil investigation in the waters at the location of the new BlackRocks Harbor, a pontoon has been assembled in the Fort Bay Harbor.When the sea…

Parliament invites the public to submit nominations for the Annual President of Parliament Award 2023

The Parliament of Sint Maarten invites the public to submit nominations for the Annual Presidentof Parliament Award. The application form can be found on the Parliament’s website. Persons have until August…

Police Force of Sint Maarten Announces Emergency Drill in Cay Bay Area

The Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) would like to inform the public about an upcomingemergency drill that will be conducted in the Cay Bay area. This live drill will…

Coast Guards assisted a sailing vessel at St. Maarten

In the morning hours of sunday, July 9th, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Fort deFrance reported a sailing vessel in need of assistance at 10 nautical miles south of…

Ministry of Justice Launches Justice Week 2023 with a Powerful Prayer Link

The Ministry of Justice is delighted to announce the commencement of Justice Week 2023,a week-long celebration dedicated to honoring the tireless efforts of justice workers and promotingsafety and security within…