The Ministry of TEATT wishes to express its heartfelt condolences to the Stewart family and the wider Sandals Resorts and Beaches Resorts family on the passing of Gordon “Butch” Stewart…
Day: January 8, 2021
Digitale verhuizing Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland
De online dienstverlening van de Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland verhuist in januari 2021 naar MijnCN: het online platform voor overheidsdiensten in Caribisch Nederland dat eerder is aangekondigd .(zie dit bericht…
Mudansa digital di Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland
E servisio ‘online’ di Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland ta muda den yanüari 2021 pa MijnCN: e plataforma ‘online’ pa servisionan di gobièrnu na Hulanda Karibense ku a anunsiá anteriormente. (mira…
Digital relocation Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland
In January 2021 the online services of the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland move to MijnCN: the online platform for official services in the Caribbean Netherlands, which was announced earlier. ( this…
Update on traffic accident on A.J.C Brouwers road
Police traffic department officers are still investigating the deadly accident which took place on A.J.C Brouwers Road, Wednesday January 6 at about 2:30pm. Two scooter riders collided and one of…
Justice Committee of Parliament to meet for the continuation of an urgent meeting with the Minister of Justice regarding the end of year update from the Minister
The Justice Committee of Parliament will meet in an urgent meeting on January 8, 2021 The committee meeting, which was adjourned on December 14, 2020, will be reconvened on Friday…