On March 14, 2020, St. Maarten closed its borders, due to the effects of COVID-19 and a partial restriction was announced. With the island still bearing the effects of the…
Day: November 19, 2020
Central Committee meeting of Parliament regarding the advice on the appointment of a member of the General Audit Chamber and the 2019 annual report of the Ombudsman
The House of Parliament will sit in a Central Committee meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2020. The Central Committee meeting is scheduled for 10.00 hrs. The Ombudsman will be in…
Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication Committee of Parliament to meet regarding the ECORYS report
The Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication Committee of Parliament will meet on November 19, 2020. The Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday at 14.00 hrs. The agenda point is:Discussion…
Effective immediately, vehicles parking behind the old government administration building will be towed away at the expense of the owner. It is prohibited to park behind the old government administration building.
Several unauthorized vehicles have been making use of the old government administration building parking lot. As of November 23, 2020, the unauthorized vehicles will be removed. The Parliament of Sint…
Akuerdo riba e hubilashon antisipá boluntario (vrijwillige vervroegde uittreding, VVU) ta un echo.
Dia 17 di novèmber 2020 partidonan den CGOA, kual ta e Minister di Maneho di Gobernashon, Planifikashon i Servisio Públiko (BPD) i e Sentral di Sindikatonan (CCvV) huntu ku e…
Convenant vrijwillige vervroegde uittreding ( VVU) is een feit.
Op 17 november 2020 hebben partijen in het CGOA, te weten de Minister van Bestuur, Planning en Dienstverlening (BPD) en de Centrale Commissie van Vakbonden (CCvV) samen met de voorzitter…
Voluntary early retirement covenant (VVU) is a fact.
On November 17, 2020 parties in the CGOA, namely the Minister of Administration, Planning and Services (BPD) and the Central Commission of Trade Unions (CCvV) together with the president of…
INSO bought by Italian giant, Fincantieri Group
~ SMGH construction continues as normal under new ownership ~ It is with pleasure that SMMC has taken note of the news emerging from Italy that INSO, the general contractor…
Statia’s Golden Opportunity Program started Wednesday
The training and employment of 24 Statian residents at the Golden Rock Estate started yesterday , Wednesday November 18th 2020. After 12 months of training on the job and proven…
Travel entry requirements updated to allow rapid antigen tests
The Ministers of TEATT Ludmila de Weever and VSA Richard Panneflek have updated the entry requirements to include antigen testing with effective date of November 25th. Travelers to St. Maarten…