COCI calls for Urgent Action by Parliament and Caretaker Government on Anti-Money Laundering Legislation and Terrorism Financing Regulations

The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce Board is requesting urgent action by the House of Parliament and the Caretaker Government with respect to pending Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Legislation and Countering…

Port St. Maarten to Undertake Investments to Maintain and Enhance High Guest Satisfaction Ratings

Port St. Maarten is expected to see a shift in the cruise market by receiving overall 10.6 per cent less cruise calls for the period November 1, 2019 to April…

Ministry VROMI Traffic Alert: Partial road closure of Intersection Arbutus and Flamboyant road

Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), announces that there will be a partial road closure at the intersection of Arbutus road and Flamboyant road on…

Free workshop hosted by SSSD “My PBL, PKL and TKL Education and Beyond” Workshop to outline further study options

Students in Voorbereidend Secundair Beroepsonderwijs (VSBO) or Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education (PSVE) – PBL, PKL and TKL – on St. Maarten have the possibility of continuing their education St. Maarten,…

Reunion atministrativo ministerionan di edukashon di e kuater paisnan

Representantenan di Ministerionan di Enseñansa di paisnan Hulanda, Kòrsou, Aruba i Sint Maarten a bini huntu siman pasá na Boneiru pa e di dos reunion atministrativo di e kuater paisnan…

Ambtelijk Vierlandenoverleg onderwijsministeries

Vertegenwoordigers van de ministeries van Onderwijs van de landen Nederland, Curacao, Aruba en Sint Maarten waren afgelopen week op Bonaire bijeen voor het tweede ambtelijke Vierlandenoverleg van dit jaar. Tijdens…

Four-Country Consultation Ministries of Education

Representatives of the Ministries of Education of the Netherlands, Curacao, Aruba and St. Maarten met on Bonaire last week for the second official  consultation for the four countries this year.…

Governor Holiday requests Ms. Silveria Jacobs to form interim government

On September 30, 2019, the Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday, requested the fraction leader of the National Alliance, Ms. Silveria Jacobs, to form an interim government as…

CBCS ondersteunt World Investor Week

Op maandag 30 september 2019 heeft de International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) de wereldwijde campagne World Investor Week 2019 (WIW) gelanceerd. De WIW is opgezet om het bewustzijn over…

CBCS ta sostené World Investor Week

Djaluna último, 30 di sèptèmber 2019, International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) a lansa e kampaña mundial di World Investor Week 2019 (WIW). E kampaña WIW a wòrdu instituí pa…