Port St. Maarten Calls on Business Community to Register for FCCA Cruise Conference and Trade Show

Port St. Maarten Management is calling on the business community to sign-up for the 26th Annual Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Cruise Conference & Tradeshow, which is taking place from October…

SMILE pre-event hosted by the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary in the Hague a Success

On the 10th of September, the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten in collaboration with the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA), facilitated a special pre-SMILE lunch…

Student arrested with knives

The police department of St.Maarten is urging, cooperation from parents and guardian concerning the serious ongoing situations with their minor children that’s taking place in an around the secondary school…

Investigation into ill-treatment on L.B.Scott road on September 4th 2019

The detective department concluded their investigation into the incident that took place on the September 4th 2019 on the L.B Scott road. During this incident a young man on a…

Relato anual di SER 2018 entregá na Promé Minister Rhuggenaath

Willemstad, – Presidente den funkshon di Konseho Sosial Ekonómiko (SER) sr. John Jacobs, akompañá pa sekretario general di SER sr. Raul Henriquez awe mainta a hasi entregá ofisial di e…

Jaarverslag SER 2018 aangeboden aan Minister-president Rhuggenaath

WILLEMSTAD, – Fungerend voorzitter van de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) John Jacobs heeft, in gezelschap van de algemeen secretaris van de SER Raul Henriquez, vanochtend het jaarverslag van de SER over…

Annual report of SER Curaçao 2018 presented to Prime Minister Rhuggenaath

WILLEMSTAD,  – The acting President of the Social Economic Council of Curaçao (SER) Mr. John Jacobs, accompanied by the General Secretary of the SER Mr. Raul Henriquez presented this morning…

Een statenlid van Sint Maarten aangehouden door het Team Bestrijding Ondermijning (TBO).

Op maandag 2 september 2019 is een statenlid van Sint Maarten aangehouden door het Team Bestrijding Ondermijning (TBO). Hij wordt ervan verdacht zich schuldig te hebben gemaakt aan het aannemen…

A member of parliament of Sint Maarten was detained by agents of the Anti-corruption Taskforce (TBO)

On Monday September 2, 2019 a member of parliament of Sint Maarten was detained by agents of the Anti-corruption Taskforce (TBO). He is suspected of accepting bribes, (co) committing official…