Afgelopen zaterdag 27 januari hebben de huisartsen van Bonaire samen met het Zorgverzekeringskantoor BES een zogenaamde Letter of Intent getekend. Middels deze Letter of Intent worden afspraken omtrent de toekomst…
Day: February 9, 2018
GPs Bonaire agree on path to future with Healthcare Insurance Office Caribbean Netherlands
The general practitioners of Bonaire signed on January 27th a so-called Letter of Intent together with the Healthcare Insurance Office Caribbean Netherlands (ZVK). By means of this Letter of Intent,…
Dòkternan di kas di Boneiru ta akordá kaminda pa futuro ku ZVK
Siman pasa 27 di yanuari dòkter nan di kas di Boneiru, a firma un karta di intenshon ku Ofisina di Seguro di Kuido Hulanda Karibense (ZVK). Pa medio di e…
St John’s, ANTIGUA – Cricket West Indies (CWI) has appointed Richard Pybus as the High- Performance Director. In this new role, Pybus will work alongside the Chairman of Selectors and…
St Maarten Nature Foundation and EPIC organized successful Second Simpson Bay Lagoon clean-up
Last Sunday the St Maarten Nature Foundation, Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) and the ‘A Bit at a Time’ initiative of Mason Chadwick organized a another successful cleanup event.…
Nature Foundation Distributes Free Facemasks to Evacuated Shelter Residents and Wider Community to Protect Against Landfill Smoke
The Sint Maarten Nature Foundation, through the generous support of private individuals and the business community, have distributed close to 500 facemasks to the population on Thursday, including to the…
Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin & State Secretary Raymond Knops visit Roof Repair Program Candidates
On Thursday afternoon a delegation including Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin, Minister of VROMI Miklos Giterson and State Secretary Raymond Knops visited 2 of the 480 homes that have been…
Sint Maarten Ministry of Finance organized Round Table Conference Sustainable Financial Government
On Tuesday February 6, 2018, the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Sint Maarten organized a Round Table Conference “Sustainable Financial Government,” with the Netherlands, the World Bank, the…
CPA ta kondena derokamentu ilegal di e gobierno demokratikamente elegi di St Eustatius
Carribbean Progressive Alliance (CPA) , un asosiashon forma durante un meeting di COPPPAL na St Maarten, na Mei 2017, ku komo miembronan organisashonan di e sobra paisnan-sin-propio-gobernashon en general, global…
CPA condemns Dutch illegal ovethrow of democratic elected government of St Eustatius
The Caribbean Progressive Alliance (CPA), an association formed during a meeting of COPPPAL on St Maarten , in May 2017, with as members organizations from the remaining non-self governing countries…