Households can save considerably on their electricity bills. On the page www.fb.com/Unkobon, the consumers union of Bonaire started a campaign with saving tips. Tip 1. Purchase electrical appliances of 50…


Huishoudens kunnen aanzienlijk besparen op hun elektriciteitsrekening. Op haar pagina www.fb.com/Unkobon is de consumentenbond van Bonaire gestart met een campagne met besparingstips. Tip 1. Koop elektrische apparaten van 50 hertz…


Kasnan doméstiko por spar konsiderabelmente riba nan kuenta di koriente. Riba su pagina www.FB.com/Unkobon, e Union di Konsumidó Boneiru a inisiá ku un kampaña informativo ku tépnan kon spar. Tép…

Ministry VROMI immediate halt to accepting debris/large waste at main sanitary landfill. Only household waste accepted

Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), announces that that no debris or other large waste of such nature will be accepted at the main sanitary…

CBCS viert 190-jarig bestaan

Willemstad/Philipsburg – De Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten viert vandaag haar 190-jarig bestaan. Het was Koning Willem I die in 1828 de opdracht gaf tot het oprichten van…

CBCS celebrates 190th anniversary

Willemstad/Philipsburg – Today marks the 190th anniversary of the Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (CBCS). In 1828, King Willem I of the Netherlands gave orders to establish a…

Central Committee meeting of Parliament about Draft National Ordinance amending the National Ordinance Administrative Jurisdiction, on Wednesday

The House of Parliament will sit in a Central Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. The Central Committee meeting is scheduled for 14.00 hrs in the General Assembly Chamber…

Urgent Central Committee meeting of Parliament about the current situation at the dump including possible solutions

The House of Parliament will sit in an urgent Central Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. The Central Committee meeting is scheduled for 11.30 hrs in the General Assembly…

Atendimiento konhunto den registrashon di esnan obligá pa raportá Parti di esnan ku no ta raportá ta haña atvertensia, sobrá ta ser investigá mas a fondo

Ministerio Públiko (OM) Sint Maarten, Kuerpo di polis di Sint Maarten (KPSM), RST i FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit) Sint Maarten a start na ougùstùs 2017 ku un investigashon penal na…

Joint approach in registration of reporting agents OM will send out non-notifiers with a warning, remainder to be investigated further

In August 2017, the Public Prosecution Service, KPSM, RST and FIU Sint Maarten launched a criminal investigation into 13 service providers that do not, or insufficiently, cooperate with their registration…