The Presidents of the First and Second Chamber, Ankie Broekers-Knol and Khadija Arib, will pay a joint visit to the Caribbean Netherlands from January 7th till January 13th, 2018. They…
Day: December 27, 2017
Voorzitters Eerste en Tweede Kamer bezoeken Caribisch Nederland
De Voorzitters van de Eerste en Tweede Kamer, Ankie Broekers-Knol en Khadija Arib, brengen van 7 tot en met 13 januari 2018 een gezamenlijk bezoek aan Caribisch Nederland. Zij bezoeken…
Presidentenan di Eerste i Tweede Kamer di bishita na Hulanda Karibense
E presidentenan di Eerste i Tweede Kamer, Ankie Broekers-Knol i Khadija Arib, lo ta huntu di bishita na Hulanda Karibense riba dianan 7 te ku 13 di yanüari 2018. Nan…
Visit of the “Vaste Kamercommissies” on Kingdom Relations to Bonaire
On January 7th and 8th, a delegation of the “Vaste Kamercommissies” on Kingdom Relations will visit Bonaire. On Sunday, January 7t, the delegation is welcomed on Bonaire by Island governor…
Werkbezoek Vaste Kamercommissies voor Koninkrijksrelaties aan Bonaire
Op 7 en 8 januari 2018 bezoekt een delegatie uit de vaste Kamercommissies voor Koninkrijksrelaties van de Eerste en Tweede Kamer Bonaire. Zondag 7 januari wordt de delegatie op Bonaire…
Bishita di trabou di Komishonnan figo di parlamento pa relashonnan di Reino, na Boneiru
Riba 7 i 8 di yanüari e komishonnan figo di parlamento pa relashonnan di Reino ta bishitá Boneiru. Djadumingu 7 di yanüari gezaghèber Edison Rijna i Representante di Reino suplente,…
Christmas greetings 2017 from Prime Minister Rafael A. Boasman
As Prime Minister of Sint Maarten, it is with mixed emotions that I address you today as we enter into what is considered the most joyous and festive season in…
Culture Minister Silveria Jacobs Issues Christmas Message
Christmas is a time of joy, peace, family gatherings, food and celebration. Culturally and traditionally we would herald the season with many church services, cantatas, choirs caroling, programs depicting and…
SXM DOET team hopes for a strong participation in 2018
On March 9 & 10, 2018 SXM DOET will be back for its fourth year in a row. The SXM DOET team; Fleur Hermanides, Melanie Choisy and Laura Bijnsdorp are…
Governor Holiday requests Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams to form interim government
On December 22, 2017, the Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday, requested the fraction leader of the Democratic Party, Mrs. Sarah Wescott-Williams, to finalize the formation of…