Op dinsdag 28 november begon de staatssecretaris van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK), Raymond Knops, een eerste kennismakingsbezoek aan Saba. Na aankomst sprak hij onder andere met…
Day: November 29, 2017
BZK ta sostené Saba
Riba 28 di novèmber sekretario di estado di e ministerio di Asuntunan Interno i Relashon di Reino (BZK), Raymond Knops, a kuminsá ku su promé bishita pa sera konosí ku…
BZK supports Saba
On Tuesday November 28th the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), Raymond Knops, began a first familiarization visit to Saba. Upon arrival he spoke…
Renzo Gracie Jiu Jitsu donates to Hurricane Irma Relief
Local martial arts school SXM BJJ was able to make a $500 donation to the New Start Foundation foster home for children. The donation was made possible by from support…
Cruise Ship Call Schedule for December. Two ships in port on Christmas Day
Port St. Maarten would like to present the December month cruise ship call schedule as information for the community and for business establishment planning purposes. There will be two ships…
Record turnout expected for TelCell Breakthrough Talent Search finals Saturday
Organizers of TelCell’s annual Breakthrough talent search are looking forward to another record-breaking event as they showcase the island’s massive youth talent under the theme “#STAND”. Due to damage to…
Public Schools receive school supplies
The seven public schools, namely Marie Genevieve de Weever School, Oranje School, Prins Willem Alexander School, Martin Luther King Jr. School, Leonald Conner School, Ruby Labega School and St. Maarten…
17 businesses controlled. Many infringements found
On Saturday, November 18th the Inspectorate of TEATT (Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications) conducted a country wide control on bars and restaurants for business licenses and the…
Businesses allowed to open on Christmas
Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Mellissa Arrindell Doncher on Tuesday announced that an exemption has been made to the official public holiday regulations to allow…
Clowns without Borders bring welcome smiles to TelEm Group customers and staff
TelEm Group donated sim cards and free data packages to visiting clowns from the Clowns Without Borders organization to help them bring wide smiles to the faces of everyone on…