Minister of Culture Silveria Jacobs was a guest at the Art Exhibit and Auction of artist Tes Verheij commemorating the opening of her new larger space in the Old Street. …
Day: October 11, 2016
Address of PM William Marlin on 6th Anniversary of Constitution Day, 10-10-16
Fellow St. Maarteners, Residents of our beautiful island, Ladies and Gentlemen. Six years ago, St. Maarten embarked on a new constitutional journey with the attainment of the status…
Police held church service on police sixth anniversary
On Monday October 10th 2016 country Sint Maarten celebrated “Constitution Day”. The KPSM also celebrates this day as Police day. In connection with these celebration a church service was organized…
Police Chief attends inspection of Pathfinders
The North Caribbean Conference of Seventh Day Adventist celebrated 40 years of Pathfinders Ministry 1976-2016. This celebration took place from October 7th through October 9th 2016 on the premises of…
#iamgb video features global Girls’ Brigade transformation stories
The Girls’ Brigade (GB) International has released a video on International Day of the Girl demonstrating how girls feel confident, courageous, loved and accepted as a result of being a…
PEACE IS Paradise fundraising breakfast
This St. Maarten’s Day you won’t want to miss this year’s PEACE IS Paradise 10th annual fundraising breakfast. Come get delicious food, great entertainment, fun surprises and give to a…
Ministry of Public Health implements travel advisory for Haiti effective immediately due to anticipated resurgence of Cholera
Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), has introduced a travel advisory for Haiti effective immediately due to the…
CPS: World Mental Health Day observed on October 10 under the theme Psychological First Aid
10 October marked World Mental Health Day around the world. The theme is “Psychological First Aid.” The Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department from the Sint Maarten Ministry of…
Kmar accompanies foreigner to Venezuela
On September 29th, 2016 the Koninklijke Marechaussee accompanied a Venezuelan who didn’t want to leave Bonaire voluntarily, to Venezuela through Curaçao. The foreigner was staying illegally on Bonaire for 19…