We should finish our own integrity chamber legislation and continue with the other SXM integrity projects post haste. (Otherwise “Crappo Smoke Our Pipe”)

The government of St. Maarten would do well to respond to Parliament’s recommendations and amendments to the national Integrity Chamber Ordinance AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and not take its time,…

The Public Prosecutors Service has decided not to appeal against the verdict of the Court in the so called investigation “Piranha”.

On May 28, 2015, the Court acquitted the suspects Gibbs and (former Minister) Shigemoto of fraud and forgery (amongst other crimes). The Public Prosecutor accused the suspect Shigemoto of performing…

Permanent Committee on Education and Youth scheduled to meet Wednesday with Minister Bourne-Gumbs

The Permanent Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs (CECYSA) of Parliament, will meet in public session on June 24 with Minister of Education Hon. Rita Bourne-Gumbs. The Permanent…

Central Committee Meeting scheduled for Wednesday on Secretariat Function Book

The Central Committee of Parliament will meet in a closed door session on June 24. The public Central Committee meeting is set for Wednesday at 9.00am in the General Assembly…

Temporary road closure

The Wilhelmina Straat (Parliament Building Ally) will be closed on Wednesday June 24th from 05.30 a.m. to 07.00 a.m. in connection with maintenance work which has to done in that…

Traffic accident, one injured

The Police traffic Department is presently investigating a head-on collision which happened on Monday June 22nd at approximately 07.00. The accident between a private vehicle with license plate M-9123 and…

Traffic accident, two injured.

On Friday June 19th at approximately 10.45 p.m. police patrols, police Traffic Department, paramedics and Fire Department were sent to the A.J.C. Brouwers road in the vicinity of the Harold…

Civil servants go on pension

On Monday June 22nd 2015 during a small ceremony held at the Philipsburg Police Station two civil servants namely Sylvia Gibs and Laurence Blijden said goodbye to their colleagues working…

Armed robbery Ken’s Bar

On Saturday June 22nd, 2015 at approximately 8 pm, an unknown and armed man stormed into the Ken’s Bar and Restaurant in Dutch Quarter and robbed the establishment of a…