The leader of the UP, MP Theodore Heyliger succumb to the pressure of the Dutch government by first withdrawing his name as a candidate for Prime Minister of St. Maarten, a position that he stated during the campaign that he was ready and able to take on. The fact that he has not made himself available to assume the leadership of this country and to lead the government we consider this an act of treason. Neither has he signed up to be a member of the Central Committee in Parliament that deals with Kingdom Relations. This committee would give him a platform to address the van de Raak and the Bosman. The Dutch seems to have put a spook in his entire wheel. He has misled the people on all fronts and they should never forgive him for that cowardly act. MP Heyliger seems to agree with the Dutch that St. Maarten is corrupt and that they need to come in and clean it up.
The OSPP has suggested before to MP Heyliger to man up to the Dutch and to lead a delegation to hold talks with the first and second chamber, but he instead chose the easiest way out.
First he participated in a meeting of parliament where they passed a motion lacking direction and substance.
Then indirectly he organizes a march that most of the people felt was a waste of time, as well as it didn’t have the support of the people and neither did the Dutch government back down.
The Dutch government has succeeded in preventing MP Theodore Heyliger from becoming Prime Minister of St. Maarten, the leader of this young nation. All indications are that the instruction to the governor was to accomplish just that. The question is where do we go from here? Will the Dutch continue to involve themselves in our internal affair and indirectly decides who must not become Prime Minister or Minister of St. Maarten? If the Dutch government didn’t want MP Heyliger to become Prime Minister of St. Maarten then they must tell us the reason why. What incriminating information, if any do they have on MP Heyliger that they believe would tarnish the image of the Kingdom if he is to represent them at any function? Why isn’t the Dutch forth coming on presenting the information to the public of St. Maarten, if any exist? Can we assume that a recent release of some possible corrupted transaction regarding a company Coal Pot as it pertains to the water taxi was their way of telling us that we have enough information that would prevent him from becoming Prime Minister of St. Maarten?
The OSPP is hereby challenging the Dutch government to present the people of St. Maarten with any type of incriminating information that they may have on MP Theodore Heyliger or we will have no choice but to label them as an accomplice. Withholding vital information to the public regarding any alleged type of wrongdoings against the people of St. Maarten is considered also a coward act and an act of treason. We are asking the Dutch Government to come clean and let the people know why MP Heyliger is not suitable to become Prime Minister of St. Maarten. Their silence on this issue will be interpreted as guilty by association.