St. Maarten’s Oualichi Women’s Soccer Team Play Excellent Match Representing St. Maarten in Anguilla

Heaped Praise Despite Loss The Oualichi Women’s Soccer Team played its first inter-land soccer match in neighboring Anguilla representing St. Maarten, where they faced off against the Anguilla Under Twenty…

WICB President Cameron meets with Prime Ministers Dr. Gonsalves and Dr. Mitchell

St John’s, Antigua – President of the West Indies Cricket Board Mr. Whycliffe ‘Dave’ Cameron last week continued on his initiative to meet with Heads of Government of the Caribbean…

TelEm Group Apps available at Apple Store and Blackberry App World

TelEm Group, in collaboration with third party developers, has developed customized mobile applications (APPS) especially for their mobile subscribers. 

Powerful Kids Awards

On June 14, 2013 seven Vocational School students received their very first award for courageously concluding the 1st part of the Hero’s Journey, an emotional coaching to help children and…

Dr. Polson pays courtesy visit to Minister De Weaver

Karen Polson, Entomologist/Parasitologist for the Mosquito Control Program of the Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), arrived in the country on Monday for a working visit with representatives of the…

Council on Law Enforcement presents reports to new Minister of Justice

The Council on Law Enforcement on Monday presented two recent investigation reports to St. Maarten’s new Minister of Justice, Mr. Dennis Richardson. The presentation of the reports came ahead of…