Available on Government Website
The Department of Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication that falls under the responsibility of the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications Hon. Romeo Pantophlet, has posted on the government website the 3rd Quarter Macro Monitor Report 2012 Special Edition on Impact of Hurricane Sandy.
Visit www.sintmaartengov.org; go to tab "Government," scroll down to "Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications" link, go to "Department of Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications" and select the link "Economic Reports" and then select "3rd Quarter Macro-Monitor Special Edition Hurricane Sandy Report" for download.
The analysis, projections and policies are the product of a comprehensive interdepartmental review of the United States economic developments.
Projections were also based on results generated by the department Macro-Economic Model.
Inside the issue is Assumptions and Conventions; Hurricane Sandy Overview; Hurricane Sandy Macro Economic Impact Analysis; Conclusion & Recommendation; Appendix – Tables.