The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams during her remarks at the opening of the new sewage water treatment plant on the A. Th. Illidge Road, commented that based on recent studies on the needs of individuals within the community the need to reduce running sewage water in the streets stands out. "It is a fact that in a survey of the needs as our people experience them in the districts of St. Maarten one of the foremost mentioned, even before such needs as employment, was the need to alleviate the amount of running water and running sewage water more specifically in the communities," commented the Prime Minister.
The PM continued by stating that with the opening of the new sewage treatment plant and the various other projects which are ongoing in St. Maarten Government is taking the steps necessary to ensure a "Government for the People". "These projects and the various other ones which are currently being worked on will allow a majority of houses in the districts being serviced to be connected to a sewage treatment facility. We continue to work hard in trying to address the needs as expressed to us by the people," concluded the PM.