Prime Minister Presents Pledges for the Organizing of Disabled Week

PM makes personal monetary pledge in memory of passed loved ones

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams held a brief presentation at her Cabinet on Tuesday presenting her pledge and the pledges of twenty four additional individuals which she personally collected at the Top Promotions Be Able Dine at Holland House event on Saturday.


In her comments the Prime Minister stated that from her side the pledge she made on Saturday evening at Holland House to the tune of one thousand dollars was a given. "Firstly to the committee Be Able of the Top Promotions Foundation which is breaking new barriers by organizing the Disabled Week which will be held towards the end of November I would like to commend you on the excellent job which you have been doing with regards to the disabled here on the island. I need to also thank all of the companies that were part of the fundraising that was held last Saturday which made it possible for the Foundation to host the fundraising at Holland House. I also need to say a special thanks to Holland House for being such a sport and accommodating what was a very spontaneous part of that fundraising dinner", commented the Prime Minister who was referring to her being a special guest chef at the Fundraising event. During the event the Prime Minister went from table to table where she personally collected twenty five thousand dollars worth of pledges which will go towards the organization of activities centered on disabled week.

"At the dinner, which if I may add was exquisitely prepared by Holland House, some of the patrons whispered to me regarding the possibility of me collecting some of the pledges for which letters where at everyone’s table. And so during a lull in dinner we undertook to collect twenty four pledges besides my own containing one thousand dollars as a contribution to the work which is done on behalf of disabled persons here on the island. So today in addition to presenting my personal pledge I would also like to present the other twenty four and personally thank those other twenty four persons who spontaneously signed off their pledge form," continued the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister closed the presentation on a personal note stating that she made her pledge in memory of two of her siblings which she lost due to a rare disease which caused them to be disabled later in life. "I do this presentation in memory of two of my siblings who passed away in 2010 and 2011 because of a very rare disease which caused them to be disabled during the last part of their lives. Before they passed they were able to have a good quality of life because of the care of the Sister Basilia Center and the caregivers that work there. I would therefore like to encourage St. Maarten to continue to support the activities of the Be Able Committee of the Top Promotions Foundation in organizing the Disabled Week."