‘Your influencing must be of services to others’

According to the 9th Annual Women Conference in Curaçao:

CURAÇAO – The message of the 9th Annual Women Conference in Curaçao ‘About Women and Influence’ was clear: women must use their influence more. The conference took place last weekend at the Hyatt Regency Curaçao Golf Club, Spa and Marina, with female and male participants.


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The conference started on Friday with the annual celebration of women where one minute of silence was held for the last week deceased conference supporter artist Irene Monte van Grieken. It continued on Saturday with the three powerful speakers Angèle Corasol, Dr. Emsley Tromp and Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

Communications expert and scout leader Angèle Corasol explained that the aspects of influence show that influence is either negative or positive; influence should add value; with influence comes responsibility and that influence is a choice.

President of the Central Bank of Curaçao and St. Maarten Dr. Emsley Tromp said that the woman who has influenced his life the most is his now 98 years old grandmother. ‘My grandmother taught me that every person’s achievements or possessions in life are the sum total of his struggle, agonies and triumphs. You are responsible for your life, and your success depends on the choices you make. Therefore, you should always autograph your work with excellence. I therefore would like to recommend that you all believe in your own potential, make your choices, plan your career path, and work on your career. Remember that the only person who owes you anything is YOU’.

Finally it was Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams who looked at the individuals who make up the sum  "WOMEN" and recognized that: ‘we are who we are because of influences in our live, yet at the same time, we have the power, yes, the power, to influence lives so dramatically that we could collectively chart and change the course of entire societies. We are fortunate that in our small societies we have trailblazers and have accomplished in terms of gender advancements great strides’.

The total experience of this year’s conference showed that those present were eager to get more information on the topic and to continue with events like this. During the conference there were different other activities and information sessions on healthy body corrections, feng shui and wealth management. The focus is now on the 10th ‘Annual Women Conference in Curaçao that will take place in 2013.


On the pictures

1. from left to right speaker Angèle Corasol, speaker Dr. Emsley Tromp, organizer Reyna Joe and speaker Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams;

2. view of the 9th Annual Women Conference in Curaçao



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Segun e di 9 Konferensha Anual di Hende Muhé na Kòrsou

‘Bo influensia mester sirbi otro’

WILLEMSTAD – E mensahe den e di 9 Konferensha Anual di Hende Muhé na Kòrsou tabata bon kla: hende muhé mester usa nan influensia mas tantu. E konferensha a tuma lugá den fin di siman último den Hyatt Regency Curaçao Golf Club, Spa i Marina, ku partisipantenan tantu femenino komo maskulino.

E konferensha a kuminsá djabièrnè ku e selebrashon anual di hende muhé kaminda tambe a tene un minüt di silensio pa e sostenedó di e konferenshanan i kende a fayesé siman pasá ku ta artista Irene Monte van Grieken. El a kontinuá djasabra ku e tres tremendo oradónan Angèle Corasol, Dr. Emsley Tromp i promé minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

Eksperto di komunikashon i lider di skout Angèle Corasol a splika ku e aspektonan di influensia ta mustra ku ta influensia ta sea negativo òf positivo; influensia mester agregá balor; ku influensia ta bin responsabilidat i ku influensia ta un eskoho.

Presidente di banko sentral di Kòrsou i di St. Maarten Dr. Emsley Tromp a bisa ku e hende muhé ku mas a influensia su bida ta su wela ku aworakí tin 98 aña. ‘Mi wela a siñami ku tur hende su logro òf propiedat den bida ta resultado di su lucha, agonia ui triunfonan. Ta abo ta responsabel pa bo bida i bo éksito ta dependé di eskohonan ku abo hasi. Ta p’esei semper bo mester firma loke bo hasi ku ekselensia. Ami pa e motibu ei lo ke rekomendá pa boso tur kere den bo mes potensial, hasi bo eskohonan, plania bo karera i traha riba bo karera. Kòrda ku e úniko hende ku debebu algu ta bo mes.

Finalmente tabata promé minister di St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams kende a tira bista riba e individuonan ku ta forma e totalidat di hende muhé i basá riba esaki a rekonosé ku: ‘nos ta loke nos ta pa motibu di influensianan den nos bida, miéntras ku na mes momentu nos tin poder, si poder pa influensia bida asina dramátikamente ku nos lo por kolektivamente karga i kambia kursonan kompleto di henter sosiedat. Nos ta bendishoná ku den nos komunidatnan chikitu nos tabatin hendenan ku a bai nos dilanti i kendenan a logra masha hopi den tèrmino di desaroyo di género.

E eksperensia total di e konferensha a mustra ku esnan presentá ta hopi interesá pa a haña mas informashon di e tópiko i pa kontinuá ku eventonan asina aki. Tabatin tambe durante di e konferensha diferente otro presentashon riba korekshonnan salú di bo kurpa, feng shui i maneho finansiero. Enfoke awor ta riba e di 10 konferensha Anual di Hende Muhé an Kòrsou kual lo tuma lugá den 2013.

Riba e potrètnan por mira

1. di robes pa drechi oradó Angèle Corasol MSc, oradó Dr. Emsley Tromp, organisadó Reyna Joe i oradó promé minister Sarah Wescot Williams;

2. un bista durante di e di 9 Konferensha Anual di Hende Muhé na Kòrsou.