TelEm Group Says New Cutover Issues Surfacing, 324 Customers in Philipsburg Area Affected

TelEm Group is reporting to customers that new issues have surfaced affecting the final transfer of business and residential lines in the Philipsburg area.The latest issues are separate from technical problems that were earlier reported and resolved by TelEm Group technicians from the Outside Plant and Switching departments early Sunday casino


The earlier problems were related to faulty programming, and the non-operation of a circuit board on the company’s MALC5 equipment. As of 6:00 p.m. this evening only minor problems remain in this area, where the main concentration of business and residential customers lay.

Initial reports on Sunday was that a problem existing with UTS/Caribserve lines had been resolved and UTS/Caribserve were asked to confirm that all lines were restored.

It appears that while the problem with the quality of the UTS/Caribserve lines were resolved other problems were identified in the form of crossed lines and non-functioning PBX lines. The result was that UTS/Caribserve customers experienced difficulties when placing calls to these companies and in some instances would experience crossed lines.

As of 6:00 p.m. this evening the problem with the CaribServe lines have been resolved.

Our technicians will be continuing work with UTS technical staff Wednesday morning to identify the problems still existing with  the telephone lines at the UTS main building and to restore those lines.

Other issues still outstanding as a result of the Philipsburg cutover include:

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Correction of an inadvertent removal of leased line customers from the company system. Steps are being taken to restore these lines after functioning lines are more efficiently marked and securely transferred as planned for the cutover.

As of 6:00 pm this evening(Tuesday) administrative staff at TelEm Group report that there are 324 reported trouble tickets in the company system which are directly related to the Philipsburg cutover which began last Wednesday.

The 324 Trouble Tickets are related to:

·         A delay in reconnecting customer lines to the MALC equipment because of the intermittent functioning of this piece of equipment.

·         Faulty connections from the cutover resulting in crossed lines with customer numbers falling at a different location

·         No dial-tone  - This problem accounts for the majority of trouble ticket issues for which there may be several causes.

While the cutover did not go precisely as planned, this final section in Philipsburg has by far been the most complex and troublesome due to the dense concentration of subscriber lines in the Philipsburg area.

Similar outages have occurred following cutovers in the Belvedere, Dawn Beach, Ebenezer, Simpson Bay and Cole Bay areas, therefore technical staff are confident they have the experience and knowledge to transfer and restore all remaining lines in the Philipsburg area within short.

We are extremely grateful to companies in the Philipsburg area for their understanding and patience while we address these latest issues.

We apologize to Mr. Roy Richardson of UTS/Caribserve and his staff for the latest connection issues. We sincerely regret the delay in completing the restoration of their lines and the effect this interruption in service is having on their customers.

Technicians have assured that the remaining customer lines at the UTS main office will be restored during the course of Wednesday, or earlier if possible.

TelEm Group wishes to assure customers and especially business and residential clients in the Philipsburg area that a team of engineers and technicians from the Switching, Transmission, Outside Plant and Data departments are working diligently to rectify all outstanding issues that have developed since the start of the Cutover operation last Wednesday.


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We sincerely apologize for all inconvenience caused and will continue to inform customers about the progress in resolving outstanding issues.