Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams exchange gifts with Mr. Herman Tjeenk-Willink

As Mr. Herman Tjeenk-Willink, Vice-President of the Advisory and Administrative Council of the Kingdom (Raad van State) is retiring shortly, He bid farewell to various institutions exchanging gifts of appreciation.


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On St. Maarten, he scheduled to meet among others with the Council of Ministers, Parliament, High Councils of Advice as well as the University of St. Martin. His taking-leave-tour will be to all the islands of the Dutch Caribbean. On St. Maarten he was escorted by St Maarten member of the Council, Mr. Dennis Richardson, Vice Chairperson of the Council Advice, Mrs. Mavis Brooks-Salmon, the Secretary General of the Council of Advice, Mrs. Winklaar. Mr. Tjeenk-Willink was supported by his Secretary General Mr. Eric Visser and advisor Ron van der Veer. This was both his first as well as last visit to St. Maarten since becoming a Country within the Kingdom.