Breast cancer march scheduled for Sunday

The members of the Positive and Elektralytes foundations are reminding the general public to come out and participate in the annual walk to promote breast cancer awareness on Sunday morning.


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This year’s PINK, PHIT, PHABULOUS walk-a-ton is scheduled for Sunday, October 9, at 6:30am and participants are encouraged to show up by 6am in order to receive one of the 700 free shirts which will be distributed.
Positive Foundation President Shelly Alphonso is urging all those planning to walk to not only show up, but also bring along family members and friends.
"We cannot reiterate enough that breast cancer is a disease which impacts not only individuals, but friends, families and communities. The more people that come out and get information about breast cancer and early detection, the more we are spreading the necessary message about monthly breast self exams, clinical screenings and mammograms, the more lives we are potentially saving. So we really want to see a strong turn out again this year. And the route is on which is doable for all ages, so families can come and walk together as well," Alphonso said.
Alphonso said that this year’s walk will start at Divico in Colebay, pass up Colebay Hill, continue on to Link One and end at the Festive Village in Philipsburg. She said that each year the walk-a-ton remained a constant in breast cancer awareness campaign; because it reinforced the idea that exercise and proper nutrition is key to a healthy life.
"Breast cancer continues to claim victims year after year, but we are trying to get the message out there that while there is no way to prevent the disease, there are ways to manage your health and improve your chances of successfully beating the illness. Incorporating a fitness program into your life, managing your eating habits and checking your breasts regularly are all strategies that women need to consider using to safeguard their health," Alphonso said.
Once at the village participants will be able to buy breakfast and also partake in Zumba classes, but more than anything Alphonso would like people to turnout and enjoy the camaraderie of the walk.
"Together, as a community, we can accomplish so much. We can inform ourselves and also help to inform others. So I’m looking forward to walking on Sunday with a strong crowd of enthusiastic women, men and children," Alphonso said.
She also encouraged women to check the foundation’s Facebook page for information about the free clinical screenings being provided by doctors offices across the island.