MP Jules James supports newly appointed Lions Club President focus on tackling crime

United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Jules James says he read last week in the media that the newly appointed Lions Club President Merlin Schamminee will be focusing on developing initiatives around the current crime situation with initial emphasis on the nation’s youth.


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According to the media report, the civic organization is planning on taking measures to break the cycle of violence. Initiatives will cater to neglected kids and parents who are in a struggle to balance work and developing their children’s growth.

"I would like to commend the newly appointed Lion’s Club President for coming with an initiative to tackle crime from the perspective of a civic organization. I believe that the non-governmental organization sector needs to come together and combine their resources in manpower to fight crime by offering another way to persons who fall through the cracks of society.

"We must find healthy alternatives to attract our young vibrant and energetic young people. We can blame not only our youths, but parents, social and spiritual leaders for not attempting to find solutions to these social ills. Our young people play an absolute integral part in our society and as such they deserve to find their place. I therefore recommend we provide for alternative alcohol/drug free activities for our youth.

"We must develop different activities throughout the year for and with our youth in mind that are both adventurous and sports oriented. Another area we could concentrate on is developing scholastic activities; such as poster competitions, spelling B’s, arts and science competition and even community service projects such as visiting and sharing at the senior citizens home, and helping to educate other youths in the community.

"I believe this as well as other similar ways are but a start to encourage our youths to be responsible citizens that must also give back to society. Every individual, every family and every organization has a role to play," United People’s party MP Jules James said on Sunday.

UP MP James is also appealing to the Christian community to deliberate with their membership in playing a role of building morals and values in society which have deteriorated over the years. James added that the church community could play an important role in healing the nation via their youth wings.

"Our country is not the only nation that is facing the challenges of various social ills. St. Kitts and Nevis have already recorded approximately two dozen murders so far for the year.

"Look at England a few weeks ago and the social unrest that broke out in a number of cities across the country over a four day period. The anti-social behavior has been blamed on a broken society. We need all sectors working together in mending the cracks that exist in society. Not one sector can do it alone and I welcome the initiative of the Lions Club," UP MP Jules James said on Sunday.