Pantophlet Vila Foundation -Presentation financial grant

On Thursday, August 18th 2011, members of The Pantophet Villa Foundation presented a check to the Principal of the Sister Magda Primary School on the occasion of the Foundation’s "Help A Parent Project".


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Edisha Baley (a student at the school) was the recipient of the grant (covering school fee) along with one

set of school uniforms .

Because of a generous donation from a donor and her family, (who prefers to remain anonymous)

The Foundation was able to make a presentation of a check covering school fee for both students along

with one (1) set uniforms. We are extremely grateful to that family.

The Foundation’s long term objective is to be able to annually assist more than one student or more

than one family, this generous donation enabled us to assist more than one student.

All this through fundraising activities supported by the public and through donations received from

within the business community, for which the Foundation is thankful.

The Foundation is also thankful to all the volunteers who have always assisted during all the fundraising


The Foundation’s motto: "no one is useless in this world, who lightens the burden of another"