Of hazardous goods
In 2009 the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, together with the local private sector, have agreed upon that the safe transport of dangerous goods in shipping, aviation and road transport could be improved. This is why the transfer of knowledge started from 2010 on Bonaire and as of this year on Saba and Statia.
For the third time approximately 30 participants on Bonaire completed a training. Participants were from the government and business community, including staff of Rocargo, Don Andres, BIA SA, Swiss Port, the Port authority, the Hygiene department, Environmental Police, Customs, the Police, the Hospital, DROB and Aviation Directorate of Curacao. Important topics such as "how to deal with the importance of transport packaging and documentation of hazardous substances" were raised during the three day training. Now participants know how hazardous materials must be packed and which documents should be present during transport.
The knowledge transfer also took place last March on Statia and Saba to improve the knowledge of the local authorities. On Saba and Statia a total of 17 participants successfully completed the modules "Awareness" and "Legislation".
All participants (Bonaire, Saba and Statia) were very satisfied with the design of the training because a large part of the contents of the module was given in Papiamento or English. This resulted in lively debates. On Saba and Statia a look in practice (port) will be taken during the continuing module. The participants were enthusiastic and want to continue with the following modules.
From May 22 until June trainings will continue on Saba and Statia where the safe transport of hazardous materials will be more extensively discussed.