The University of St. Martin with its USM First Look program is offering you the opportunity to sit in on classes until March 19, 2011 at no cost. The program, now in its fifth term, began at the end of February.
This program is geared at high school graduates, seniors (students in exam classes), and juniors so that they can experience first-hand what the University of St. Martin degree program classes are like. Participants in the USM First Look program also get to meet current students and instructors and ask questions about the various programs.
With USM First Look, a wide variety of college level courses are presented to the students representing each USM degree program. Some classes this term include, Hospitality, Marketing, Law, Educational Psychology, Small Business Management, Language Arts & Literature, Advertising & Promotional Strategies, Intro to Biology, Macro-Economics and many more.
"USM First Look is to the advantage of the student, whether they have already chosen a field of interest or not. A selection of classes are being offered from all offered disciplines: Business, Education, Liberal Arts and Hospitality & Tourism and this allows for students to experience the classes and subject matter first hand at USM," Director of Admissions Angelique Hazel said.
Many high school students have taken advantage of this opportunity in the past and USM is looking forward to many students doing the same this year.
USM Marketing Director Michel Chance said students are again encouraged to come and sit in on the classes and get a first-hand experience of what college classes are like and participate in some of the discussions that take place in the classrooms. Parents are also encouraged to come along since they too may be inspired in some way or the other, Chance said, while adding that education is a lifelong process.
"Feedback from students who participated in USM First Look over the past two years has shown that students have found First Look both fun and helpful. We are looking forward to having more student add their positive experiences during this last week of First Look opportunities," Hazel said.
Students are welcomed to sit in on as many classes that they desire. In order to provide adequate seating, those interested are asked to RSVP with the Admissions Office concerning their attendance at least three days prior to the class session. Interested persons can contact USM Admissions Office at 542-5171 Ext. 1019 for more information. The USM First Look schedule is also available at the Admissions Office or on (University of St. Martin Admissions).